Answer two of the questions and write 75–100 words about each.

  1. What advice would you give to someone moving to your country?

If you are thinking about moving to Spain you should think about what is the best place to work and live.

In my opinion you should consider the good weather and the beach to choose the best city.

On the one hand, the weather in Spain is quite good but normally in the Mediterranean Sea cities and in Andalucia you can have the best temperature all the year. On the other hand, you have bad weather in the north west of Spain, for example: Bilbao or Sant Sebastian because the winter in these cities is very cold.

Finally, I recommend thinking about cities with or without a beach. In my opinion Barcelona is the best city with a beach around Spain because it has beautiful beaches that you can enjoy all the year round.

  1. Describe an exciting sporting event you have seen or been to.

My last exciting experience involving a sporting event was in Chester in the last Motor bike race competition. It was the first time I’d seen this kind of sporting event but I enjoyed it a lot. I could see the attraction of this sport because there were a lot of different kinds of people: families, groups of young and old people, couples, etc.

I prefer to see this kind of sporting event live and not on television because you can share your feelings with the people near you and with the motorbike riders.  However, it is much cheaper to see this kind of event on television. The tickets for motor bike racing are really expensive if you would like to have good place to see all the circuit. Normally in the cheaper places you only see a small part of the circuit.

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